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What is Mohs Surgery?

Patient Treatment Room
Mohs Surgery Laboratory

Mohs surgery is a specialized and precise technique where skin cancer is surgically removed under local anesthesia and tissue margins are meticulously evaluated in an on-site laboratory using a microscope. If cancer remains at the surgical margin, then the surgeon maps that remaining cancer and orients it to the patient, where targeted removal of additional tissue is performed.

This process, excision of cancerous tissue followed by microscopic examination allows the Mohs surgeon to “customize” a wound to only remove cancerous tissue while sparing normal, healthy tissue. It creates the smallest wound for any skin cancer, while achieving the highest cure rates.

Our Mohs surgery laboratory is CLIA certified and is staffed by expert histotechnicians that prepare tissue for in-house microscopic examination by Dr. Bricca, ensuring that your skin cancer’s surgical margins are examined completely and efficiently.

Mohs surgery is the perfect treatment choice for tumors that are: 1) located in anatomic areas where tissue sparing is important for cosmetic and/or functional reasons; 2) recurrent after other types of treatment; 3) pathologically aggressive; 4) ill-defined at their borders; 5) large; 6) rapidly growing.

Having the smallest possible wound simplifies reconstructive surgery, and after your skin cancer is completely removed, your “customized” wound will be reconstructed. In almost all cases, this will be done under local anesthesia on the same day. Doctor Bricca completed an American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS) approved fellowship and has extensive training in reconstructive surgery.

Follow up care during wound healing is provided in office, and in cases where patients are unable to return, coordination with referring physicians or telemedicine is arranged.

In conclusion, the Mohs surgeon functions as: 1) the surgical oncologist who removes the cancer; 2) the pathologist who carefully evaluates surgical margins to confirm that the cancer is gone; and 3) the reconstructive surgeon who fixes the customized defect to achieve the best functional and cosmetic outcome.

Contact us for more information or to book an appointment.